1. Ollie!
Uncle CeeCee and Aunt The Meaghan got a dog! It is the cutest thing ever. While training the puppy not to bite, Harper was not happy with how we spoke to him. She constantly told us to say, "Please don't bite." At one point she even suggested we say, "Minnie Mouse, Minnie Mouse". You never know. It may work with the tiny bear cub that my brother and Meaghan now own. Seriously though, the dog was the cutest thing! He zoomed through snow and loved all the prizes we brought him, including a handsome Easter bow tie.
2. My good girl. Although the idea of an adventure with just the two of us is sad, it was also incredible. I learned so much about Harper. After my rough parenting night the Friday before we left, this trip just showed me what a good girl Harper is and how solid our relationship is. She is polite, a good listener and a rule follower (for the most part). We reviewed the rules for on the plane. One, you can't get up. She

3. The experiences. We had so many fun experiences. This was her second time flying but she didn't remember the first time. She fell asleep on our flight there so didn't act so great when she saw her beautiful welcome.

5. Nothing to do. There was no to-do list hanging over my head. This vacation was actually RELAXING. We had nothing that had to be done. Even if I had stayed home, it is hard for me to truly relax for days on end because I feel there is always something I NEED to do or I feel guilty for not being productive. At Stephen and Meaghan's it was so laid back. I actually relaxed for the first time in a really long time. I even got to take a nap! I got to cook while they entertained Harper. Someone else was making the plans/schedule. I even got to sneak in a workout which was a mini-adventure for me.
6. Family time. It was nice to just be with Uncle CeeCee and Aunt the Meaghan. I didn't feel sad once. I was with family and that was fun. It was fun to talk about the puppy and just be. We watched TV and they even suffered through the season finale of the Bachelor for me. (Stephen couldn't stop moving which would make the antenna go out at very crucial times!) We ate family dinners and I cooked for more than just one person. My "broke-didas" otherwise known as cheese quesadillas made my brother very happy. He is easy to please. We all made memories together.
7. Tori. This trip wouldn't have been possible without Tori. She stayed with my puppies so we could adventure without worry. Also we would have been in trouble because the doggy daycare was totally booked. Not only does she love on our dogs, she did our laundry!!! Seriously, she is amazing!
On the way home we listened to songs that remind us of Daddy. There may have been a few tears. It is sad Brian isn't here for these adventures, but it is also awesome to know that as a duo, Harper and I are solid. We will always love and miss Daddy, but we can do new things and make more memories. It was nice that our adventure wasn't clouded with sadness. I am so thankful for the memories we have with Brian to build on. I am also thankful for an incredible Boston Adventure and more days left in Spring Break.
P.S. Did I mention OLLIE?!?!
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