Monday, September 23, 2019

Entry 71: Life Update!

So life has been great lately. Like really super good. I haven’t posted as much not because grief isn’t still very real, I think I’ve just learned more ways to manage it or the moments of memories just make my heart super happy.
So here's a life update.

First, I love my new role as Assistant Principal. It’s challenging. It’s stretching me. It’s
requiring me to learn new skills. But it’s fun. And rewarding. And I still get to sneak in teaching and model some lessons for willing teachers which makes my heart so happy! Not having all the days off teachers get for hurricanes takes some getting used to but seriously I love the job and all that comes with it. Grad school for Educational Leadership starts in spring!

Second, I have a boyfriend! I never thought dating would feel easy, and I definitely never imagined my life looking like it does now.
Everyone, meet Josh. He’s amazing. He understands grief. Like totally gets me and lets me talk about Brian and asks questions and even handles Harper’s random “my dad died on my third birthday” conversation starters. Also, Harper LOVES him. She has named him Dot and will accept no other names for him. I’m in serious shock when she hits her head and goes to him for comfort even though I’m in the same room. Like that couldn’t make my heart happier. Josh has his own kids which has also made Harper and me super happy. We love spending time with them. He just fits. And not in a replacing, filling a void way, but in and enhancing and fulfilling new way.

Third, Harper loves kindergarten. The second day of kindergarten, drop off was totally rough. Morning extended day involved being dropped off in a large and cold multipurpose room. Needless to say Harper wasn’t feeling it and maybe or maybe she chased me out of the room 6 times and we were both crying by the end of it. Have no fear, Brent and Katie have totally rescued us. Every morning Harper gets to spend time with the Bechtolds and have a happy send off to school which includes big hugs and secret handshakes.
So overall life if good. Like super happy, super good. We had fun celebrating Brian's birthday with the lightning squad and a full house. Also it's Fall! Excited for all the fun it brings!

1 comment:

  1. So happy for you and Harper and all the good things happening in your lives.
