Disclaimer: If God talk isn't your thing, you may want to skip this blog.
1. Brian didn't want to die. Two months ago, midday at work I received a text from Brian, out of nowhere, that said "I don't want to die". When things were going well in Brian's treatment plan and he was feeling good and acting normal, death was not in the front part of my thinking. Unfortunately for Brian he couldn't escape those thoughts creeping in more often. Because of us thinking he was dying in January 2015, we had a lot of the hard talks. No matter which way we sliced it, we didn't want Brian to die. That being said, in the end, Brian was at peace. HOW?!?! Sure there were days where Brian was confused. Yet, he had many lucid days in Hospice where he joked, and loved, and laughed. He did not act afraid or upset or even cry. My only explanation for that is God was there. The WHOLE time. The peace that filled him could not be explained any other way.
2. After losing weight this summer, Brian's wedding band no longer fit. We of course got some cool metal that couldn't be resized. Therefore, I got him a silicone, Qalo ring for Christmas. He loved it. The first day we were in the hospital he held up his hand and we realized he didn't have it on. So when it was time to pick clothes to bury him in (no fun!) I was searching for the ring and had not idea where to find it. As I was about to finish the search and walk out the door for an appointment at the funeral home, I located it right on the dresser. Thanks God!
3. I am a crazy person and when my life is out of control I feel the need to clean/organize. Even in Hospice, I would organize the room every morning. After getting home, since my brother was here to help, I decided to start with the garage and attic. While I was out running errands and taking care of business, Stephen pulled everything out of the attic. This was no easy task because Brian was Heman and would put the heaviest things at the back of the attic requiring Inspector Gadget reach (or a garden hoe in my brother's case). Stephen, Mom and I worked hard making a trash, donate, and sell online pile. (Before you think I am insensitive, the things I was sorting had been in the attic for 5 years and had no emotional attachment). You may be asking so where is God in this?! First, imagine two people that have strong opinions and don't mind sharing them. I am sure this is not hard for you to imagine because you are just visualizing two of me. Surprisingly, my brother and I work shockingly well together. Also, after organizing the piles and feeling pretty good, we pull into our neighborhood and there is a community garage sale sign for the very next day. God's timing. Love it!
**Also on the organizing train. I was freaking out about the size of the tiny storage unit that my brother worked really hard to get for me. As we are signing papers and talking to the guy the very next day, I casually mention that I wish there was a little bit bigger one knowing he had told my brother the day before none were available. Guess what?! One opened up that day!
4. Let me reiterate another point I already made in an earlier blog. When I told Harper the truth about what was going on during the thirdish day we were in Hospice, after saying Daddy will be dead, she said "In the ground?" HOW?!?! How does she know this?!?!?! Don't say TV cause I am pretty positive Peppa Pig hasn't buried anyone lately. Again, this has to be God.
5. Things have been falling into place. I utter a need and it is fulfilled. I say Harper is having a mermaid party and magically Uncle Bug has Ariel show up. I don't want to look at cemetery plots because it freaks me out and our best friends Suzy and Trey pick out the perfect spot, that happens to be under a tree that looks like the tree of Brian and my shared tattoo. I didn't think until last minute about getting photographers for both services we did, yet both had photographers there to help preserve the memories.
6. Don't even get me started about lightning bolt symbols in the sky.
7. The music minister texts me suggestions for songs for the memorial and "Suzy's song" otherwise known as "Thy Will" is on the suggested list. Did I mention this is the same song I made Suzy blare on the ride home from Hospice the night Brian died. And also this is the song Suzy sang a month ago at Barnes karaoke hence why Harper named it Suzy's?! "I'm so confused..." I mean....The BEST!

8. I can't lie. It has been rough on Harper. Not necessarily crying about Daddy but emotional break downs that last too long for this Momma's heart. Harper asks to go to Daddy's grave. She asked to go see Hospice, so we went today. The nurses were incredible. They let us look in the room to help Harper process that Daddy wasn't there. She got a flower from them. After being spoiled rotten and opening a ton of gifts the day after her party, she opened a surprise gift from "Daddy". When I asked Harper what she wanted to give Daddy to have in his coffin, she picked a penguin Beanie Boo (that Carm originally bought). After, she asked for it a few times but was always comforted when I reminded her it was with Daddy. Well she got a matching penguin in the midst of getting fabulous mermaid toys. She hugged it and rubbed her face on it and was genuinely happy. (Let's leave out the part where Fletcher took it and tore it up moments later. Don't worry Amazon Prime will save the day). I can't help but know that God is helping Harper cope even if it is super super hard on her.
9. There were a ton of answered prayers that were super specific before we even knew how bad it was. For example, when I had a gut feeling that something wasn't right, I prayed and prayed that it would not happen until after Christmas. That's just one example but there were many.
11. Did I mention I found how he proposed to me? A simple piece of paper just floating around in the night stand? That happened.
I know I am forgetting so many "God things". And yes, my heart aches. Maybe I just watched the slideshow all the way through with my mom and Harper before bed and cried my eyes out. I miss Brian so much. My life does not feel real right now. I save his gigantic shirts to sleep in. I sleep on his side of the bed. I take pictures of funny things he writes on folders. I put his pictures all over the house, on my Apple Watch (that he gave me for Christmas) and on my phone. I am sad. But am I angry. Not even a little.
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