The part that makes me the saddest now is what Brian is missing out on. He and Harper would be the BEST of friends. I would probably be chopped liver. They would have ridiculous rituals and inside jokes. I would probably be kicked out of the room so they could play alone. And she would most definitely be 10,000 times more inappropriate than she already is. I mean she screamed "Good job Mr. Boobies" to people who were running at the gym a few days ago. Thank you very much. That's my kid! But even more inappropriate than that! It makes me sad that he doesn't get to experience this. That he doesn't get to see her antics or mold her even more. It also amazes me how much she picked up from him in those first three years. I cannot tell you how many times it catches me off guard when she is EXACTLY like him, especially when she is being crazy or messing with me.
As I sat on the beach at sunrise service this morning with Harper asleep on me, my mom next to me, and my friends with us, I saw the word lightning in the Bible verse referring to how to angel came and rolled away the stone. Seeing the word lightning of course will always immediately make me think of Brian (which I am SO thankful for). I closed my eyes and got sad, just thinking about missing him. And him missing this. This life. With us. But then I thought, well crap! Isn't that the point of today? We have hope. That although I am sad for Brian, he isn't sad. He gets to be in heaven. He gets to have the best. It's hard for me. I like to know all things. I ask 1 million questions with friends, in staff meetings, in appointments. I like to know. So not knowing exactly what it's like on the other side is tough. But as I sat there on the beach, watching people tip out of chairs, listening to the waves crash I thought, I'm sad but also filled with so much hope and a hope that what Brian is experiencing now is so much better than this and what I think he is missing. Maybe he is even laughing knowing seeing what he is missing and knowing how much he has there. I don't know. And I won't every get those answers. But there is peace in the hope. And on the beach this morning, the message of Easter hit me a little harder and made me even that much more thankful.
I also am just overwhelmed by the good. There are so many good things. I like to know things but I also like lists, so here's another list of 3 recent
1. I feel so incredibly loved. The person who loved me most and was my person is gone. But more than ever I feel loved. Not because of something I am pretending to be. But I feel loved, just for being me, truly myself. I have incredible groups of friends, new and old. People who build me up, reach out often, and genuinely care about my family. People I can confide in without judgement. People who will tell me when my gym clothes are too big. People who will call me out when they are concerned. People who love me even if the frequency in which we hang out has decreased to an unacceptable amount. It is insane to me to know just how deep and wide our village continues to be. When I lay in bed at night and miss Brian, I then think these things. The person who loved me best is gone but I feel incredibly loved every single day even if I am opinionated, loud, bossy, and going a mile a minute. Who gets to be this loved? I feel so so so fortunate because missing a love like his is hard, but I feel fulfilled.

removed from a situation or because she can't find the most recent rock she took from a flower bed at a restaurant, she will often say....I miss Daddy. But most the times when she speaks of him it is with laughter, ridiculousness or love, very rarely is it with sadness. What a great way to not only remember her Daddy but to live like him.
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Saying goodbye to the old house. |
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Hello St. Augustine! |

It's been 1 year, 2 months, and 10 days without the love of my life. It has been two Easters. But on this Easter I am grateful for so much. For love, for hope, for new beginnings.
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