Sunday, October 1, 2023

Entry 92: Yes Day!

 365 days ago, the idea of making it to the one year mark on SCD happy, healthy, and full
seemed unfathomable. It all felt hard and so restrictive. Now, looking back, all I can see is what a strong, resilient, badass I am raising. In the beginning when we started the SCD diet, we celebrated every day and every week that we managed this new way of life. At 6 months we celebrated at Disney. We rewarded every win. Here we are at one, whole year. "Yes" Day!

At the doctors recently when discussing being in remission, Harps said to me, "I know you are proud mom, but it doesn't feel like a big accomplishment." If only she knew that using food as medicine to put yourself into remission when the world around you uses food so differently is a HUGE accomplishment. It's hard to feel left out, different, or even like you're missing out. But for 365 days this little chick has chosen to follow the rules and find joy in new food and treats. When I look back at our food photo diary from the early days, I am amazed by what she eats now. It is truly incredible. We honestly couldn't do it without our chef, Dot. He takes requests. He is creative with making recipes match the guidelines of SCD. He'll prepare seven days worth of meals to make overnight camp possible. He's had to change his lifestyle to support and accommodate our needs. He serves us so well. We are so lucky.

So today, 365 since we decided to try SCD to treat Harper's Crohn's, are celebrate with YES! Where the answer to every request is yes! Of course life cannot go as planned. Bella got injured this morning and needed the emergency vet. Of course I was an emotional hot mess and it happened right at the beginning of the day. She will be fine but I cried for all the reasons, but mostly for how much I was looking forward to celebrating Yes Day with my girl. Don't worry! Dot stepped up again saying yes while I was getting Bella tended to.

He said yes to:

  • a make over complete with mascara
  • playing tag in the house
  • being a horse
When when I got home, the yeses continued! Here is what we said yes to celebrate our girl's giant accomplishment:
  • a TV in her bedroom
  • making her normal honey candies in the GIANT butterfly mold
  • drawing Yes Day decorations as a family
  • a new free app on her iPad
  • Family tag in the house (this is the one that surprised me the most that she seemed to think was the best)
  • Target shopping with friends
  • a bike ride 
  • Watching the movie Yes Day on her new bedroom TV
  • Downloading Roblox for the day and playing with her
  • Pouring a bucket of ice over Dot's head
  • Nail Salon (closed by the time she asked for it, so we are saving it for later this week)
  • Walmart Shopping complete with taco slippers
  • Bluey watching PJ party with neighborhood buddies in her room
  • a make over for mommy
  • a sleepover in mommy's bed

I hadn't seen the Yes Day movie before today, but it said a Yes Day must be earned. She definitely earned this! Here's to hoping and praying that SCD continues to work. Harper continues to be strong and feel good. 

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